Wednesday 23 November 2011

Me and My Several Shades

The sky was dark purple and crystal clear. It was so clear, that I could pursue my favourite hobby of spotting constellations. Of course, I spotted Orion in a flash. The grass felt like velvet to my bare feet. A million fireflies flew around the enormous meadow. Wait, they were not fireflies! They were fairies the size of Thumbelina. A hundred of them carried a silver plate, which contained the largest chocolate cake I'd ever seen. But, before I could devour it, I read the blood red icing on it. It said: Devil's Food. Eat at your own risk.

Take one look at certain roads of Bangalore, and you''ll see that the the city has been hit by an infestation of litter-bugs! Commercial Street is one of the areas most affected by this infestation. Not only does it ruin the aesthetics and our health, but also adversely affects animals. It is heart breaking to see cows feed on the garbage left by ignorant citizens. Bangalore isn't called the Garden City for no reason. However, our carelessness is our own demon, and no one is going to help us apart from we ourselves. A plus point is that you don't have to be an environmentalist to stop littering(and stop others from doing so). Mother Nature will truly appreciate these little significant acts which show that we care for her.

With flour covered fingers I placed the tray of cookies in the oven. Next to me, he was chopping vegetables to make cutlets. We were cooking a special diner to celebrate five years of our blissful relationship. Yes, five years is a long time by today's standards and we baffle people. Some skeptics say that one day this will end. Well, what I can say is that our souls are too connected, and "The End" is not going to happen anytime soon. I think that we all share a soul connection with friends and lovers. It is these special people who always give you a shoulder to cry on, even when they themselves need one. I would probably lose my sanity without them.

My friend dragged me into a gift shop as she wanted to buy a gift for another friend. However, she took me into a shop where everything is sprayed with pink, red and white. Corny dialogues yell at you from almost every card. Where is the originality in anything? The most hideous designs are the ones with red roses against a black background. Gifts need to be personal, not cheesy. This shop is the last place I come to while shopping for a friend's birthday gift. And yes, I am fortunate to be single.

The above paragraphs were a glimpse into the various shades of my nature. Like any other human being, my nature is not something you can describe in one word. I have different shades - red, blue, black, white, selfish, selfless, hardworking, lazy, neurotic, balanced...the list goes on (or maybe not?). Every one of us is a unique amalgamation of numerous hues and shades. And no, it is not because God does not repeat the same mistake twice.

Thursday 3 November 2011

The Hidden Beauty

As an adolescent teenager, I'm as concerned as the next girl about my physical appearance. I'm not anorexic, but rejoice when I'm able to fit into the clothes of my choice at a store. I appreciate it when someone notices my haircut. I like it when I look good in a photograph.Yes, I believe in being presentable. However, my self-esteem is not centered on my physical appearance.

I know that when someone calls you pretty it gives you a nice warm feeling inside. But, would I want to be a just a pretty face? Absolutely not. When I walk down a corridor, I'd rather people say "she's got talent" instead of "she's pretty". Its important that people look at the real you, who's beauty surpasses your exterior beauty. Give people a glimpse at the least, of your soul. External beauty, after all, is only temporary.

Treat others the same way too! Don't judge people by what they wear or their weight. Look past the eyeliner and kilos, and understand their soul. When you meet someone after a long time, say "I remember the last time we met" instead of "You've lost weight." Respect plain looking people with character and talent, and not pretty faces with shallow personalities.

Don't punish your body by starving yourself. Any book on nutrition will tell you that its important to have ALL three meals (breakfast being the most important). If someone thinks your not good enough just because you don't wear Gucci, they aren't worth pleasing anyway. Be true to yourself, because the person who makes you feel most miserable is you, and you only. True happiness is when you wear a pink t-shirt with fluorescent tights and feel good, because it represents you.

So, dig into that chocolate cake and ignore that pimple. Look into the mirror, and observe not the lip gloss but the person who lies behind those eyes. Take care of her and I can assure you, she'll make you ecstatic!