Monday 13 February 2012

The Witch's Victory

Note: I wrote this for my english assignment. I combined the concepts of reverse fairytale and death. 

Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Life. It was a special place and no one ever exited the world. Seven generations of people coexisted in peace and harmony. The elderly did not face the usual ailments of old age, and sickness was unheard of. If someone was injured by accident, they would be nursed back to health.

This serenity lasted for a long time, until an immortal witch called Kera visited this tranquil kingdom. She was baffled by the fact that there was no violence. She was jealous, and this jealousy led her to curse Life. Soon, violence and conflicts became a part of people’s daily routine. More often than not, the violence was fatal. There was no punishment for the murderers. The only silver lining was the nursing provided to the aged and the sick. Kera smiled as she watched this. The smile lingered for years, until Death came along.

Death was a young boy who wanted murderers to have a taste of their own medicine. So, he killed every culprit he could lay his hands on. The violence in the kingdom did not disappear, but simmered. Kera was furious as Death had foiled her plans. She wanted revenge, so she decided to kill Death’s mother.

Death was angry and sad after his mother’s death. He was never the same person again. He became a demon, and decided to take away people’s loved ones from them. Even today, Death takes away several people from this world, innocent or guilty.
Kera smiled and laughed. After all, she was victorious. 

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Valentine's Day: Is it truly special?

What is pink, sugar-coated and covered with icing? No, it is not a cupcake I am referring to. I'm referring to Valentine's Day. There is nothing wrong about celebrating love. In fact it is a good thing if couples make time for each other. Also, if a relationship has been through testing times, then a day like this can act as a healer.

But, does it imply that the celebration must be done only by gifting each other generic, fluffy greeting cards and gifts? If the day is meant to be special, then why not gift each other something personalized, which has significance to your relationship only. I'm sure simple greeting cards still do the trick. To me, the hype is unnecessary. Perhaps its because I have this aversion to looking at life through a glossy, rose coloured film that I am not a big fan of this day.

Another concept that puzzles me is celebrating your relationship on a day lakhs and crores of people are celebrating theirs' too. To me, the concept of "special day" is lost when the whole world  (literally) is rejoicing. Doesn't a day that has significance to the two people matter much more than a date which has significance to everyone?

Well, I think nothing stop the greeting card companies from working their magic every year. Particularly on the minds of teenagers.

To those who aren't celebrating this year, I don't think you are missing out on anything. To those who are, I hope you have a great time!